NameThe Baskarian Republic / The Republic of Baskar
LocationIslands to the west of Adriano
Political systemOligarchic Republic
Population~ 7,000,000 people
ReligionMessianism (Codexism)
CurrencyBaskar Doji
ExportsTobacco, coal, whale blubber, firearms.
StereotypeEccentric snobs
General Characteristics

 “All crew members have dressed up in black tailcoats and lit their pipes. Looks like we have arrived in Baskaria,” – from Kamil Damirsky’s travel diary.

 Baskaria is an outstanding island state on the western border of the Disc, the oldest republic of the Old World. Baskaria is famous for its bad weather and the local people’s irresistible passion for tobacco. The Baskarian Republic is ruled by a four-chamber Island Parliament, and the majority of the political and military organizations are formed as orders of chivalry. The Baskars have colonies in the Borean Archipelago, in Salmandia and Graaldo.


The Republic of Baskar is located on a large archipelago to the west from the continental Old World. Moving to the west, one can find only individual deserted islands and mighty storms that drive their winds to the Baskar archipelago. Therefore, the local weather is mostly extremely unpleasant, and biting winds are one of its permanent features.

The majority of the Baskarian territory is located on three islands: the grandiose island of Elisshore, where the capital is situated, and the smaller, but no less interesting islands of Toughwind and St. Arthur. In addition to these three main islands, Baskarians settled numerous nearby isles, some of which formed their own miniature archipelagos.

The rocky islands are not suitable for agriculture and are mostly covered with dense forests and swamps. However, the ocean is full of different species of small and large fish, including especially local whales. Baskar coal, which is abundant in the central islands, is considered as a clean and high calorie fuel.


“Be a gentleman. Wind will blow unpleasant and harmful people right into the ocean” –  the Baskarian saying.

Baskarians are known for their restrained manners and a distinct sense of humor, because how else can you withstand the local weather? Baskarians have typical old-world facial features and pale skin. They dress mostly in black,which is suitable for the gloomy cold islands. The typical habits of Baskarians include heavy brandy drinking and tobacco smoking – it is generally believed that these two activities are the best way of protecting against diseases caused by the local climate. Therefore, cigarettes and pipes are smoked by everyone, including local children and women.

The religion of the republic is Messianism and its dominant confession is Codexism. Baskarians are inherently secular, so the modest manifestos of the Volderaine Codexists fitted well the local tastes and quickly spread across the archipelago. Baskarians are often accused of lacking spirituality and it is a common belief that the Cathedral is only a cultural and political organization in the Republic of Baskar. However, it is not completely true, especially for inhabitants of small towns and villages. There are rumors that in addition to Messianism, the Smoky Isles retained pre-Tyranian beliefs somewhere deep in the swamps and forests, because the Adrian legions never truly conquered the archipelago.


The Baskar archipelago has been inhabited since time immemorial, but initially its population was made of small and isolated tribes. However, from the 4th-5th centuries to D.T. the archipelago became a popular place of living for Adrian rulers and merchants who were persecuted in their homeland for different reasons. The choice of these islands was not random and was explained by the Adrians’ intent to establish a trade enclave here. While the islands were not very attractive and located far from the imperial capital, their geographic location offered an opportunity to develop trade routes along the western coast of Adriano and, if necessary, to reach the other regions via the Maris Strait. These expectations were eventually fulfilled and the Storm Isles colony quickly became an independent trading republic. Of course, continental officials, cartographers and historians continued treating Baskaria as part of the Tyrannian Empire almost until the last days of the empire’s existence, but it did not bother the Baskarians. The skill of diplomats as well as the strategic use of bribes kept the Adrian legions away from these islands for centuries.

The main dates in the history of the Baskaria from the present to antiquity:

  • the 4th century from T.D.: establishment of the first civilized settlements on Elisshore.
  • 555: The establishment of the Island Senate, consisting of the Common and Inner Lodges.
  • 14th century: The official foundation of the first Baskarian Cavalier order. The Republic got involved in the fight for the colonial legacy of the Tyrannian Empire in the Borian Archipelago.
  • 1519: The expansion of the Parliament with the Houses of Weights and Cavaliers.
  • 1532-1572: The Licensing Wars for trade superiority between Baskaria and Grand Orlo with sea blockades and privateering.
  • 1650s: The introduction of tobacco in Baskaria.
  • 1671: The recognition by the Cathedral of the Codexists Archmentoring in Baskaria.
  • 1732-1738: The First Tobacco War against the Deneri Empire.
  • 1795: Murdwell anarchists’ Year of the Terror. Numerous murders of members of the Island Parliament and the destruction of the Disc’s first steamer with the ton of explosives.
  • 1800–180?: Colonial Wars of the Borian Bedlam caused by the collapse of the Protectorate and the Second Tobacco War.


“Young man who doesn’t want to be a gentleman? What’s next – a gentleman who does not want to become a cavalier?” – from the anonymous pamphlet “Threats of the Republic”, 1616.

The Baskarian Republic is quite old and conservative and differs significantly from the revolutionary republics of the New Time. Less than 30% of the population owns the right to vote in Baskaria and the weight of the vote depends on the social status of the citizen. The possibility of running for Parliament depends on the property owned by the candidates and the letters of recommendation from respected dynasties or organizations.

The political power of the republic is concentrated in the hands of the Island Parliament. It consists of four opposing Houses. The face of Parliament, and therefore of the Republic itself, is made of four Gerrys, one from each House.

The Houses of the Baskar Parliament:

  • The House of Commons – 120 people elected through general elections every 7 years. The House of Commons has a legislative function and elects the majority of officials, except in those areas that fall within the competence of other Houses.
  • The House of Weighs – 32 representatives selected among those who have paid the highest tax to the state treasury in the last two years. The House of  Weighs is responsible for legislative decisions on licenses and monopolies as well as the state budget and appointing officials dealing with the financial matters. The House of  Weighs may veto decisions of the House of Commons that endanger the economic state of the Republic.
  • The House of Cavalry – 55 people elected every 12 years from the members of noble dynasties and respectable organizations.  The House of  Cavalry takes care of justice and foreign policy and can veto the decisions of the House of  Weighs, in particular if these decisions can threaten the security of the Republic.
  • The Inner House  – 6-13 anonymous persons elected for life as a result of complex and non-transparent procedures. The Inner House regulates the activities of political and religious organizations and has the right to veto decisions of the House of  Cavalry, especially those that may lead to imbalances within the Republic. There are unconfirmed rumors that a unanimous decision of the House of Commons may veto the decision of the Inner House.

The Republican cavalier orders are of great importance in Baskaria. They often fulfill the role of state administrative and military services. These orders of chivalry may have age-old traditions and certain positions within them can be inherited, but they are generally modern in appearance and methods. Cavaliers have the right to bear arms in Baskaria and they believe that they can use this right anywhere in the Old or New World.

The most famous orders:

  • The Cavalier Order of All Saints – a brotherhood investigating political or commercial intrigues, and, since recently, high-profile murders. This Order reports exclusively to the Inner House, so ordinary Baskarian are not sure whether the Order of All Saints has done anything useful for the Republic in its long history.
  • The Cavalier Order of Our Banner – the organization responsible for foreign intelligence and the security of Baskar diplomats. The Order of Our Banner has gained romantic notoriety through numerous fiction novels about heroic deeds of organization’s Knights across the Disc.
  • The Cavalier Order of the Light Boat – overseers of the inland waters of the Smoky Isles, fighters against smuggling and piracy. The Knights of the Light Boat were responsible for stopping the diablical trade in Baskaria. However, there is an opinion among the locals that this brotherhood should be renamed the Order of Hard Corruption.
  • The Cavalier Order of the Father and the Bulldog – a fighter brotherhood specializing in complex and desperate military operations, from storming bandit lairs to evacuating important people from rebellious colonies. Its cavaliers – or “bulldogs” – are known for their excessive use of military drugs and grenades.
  • The Cavalier Order of the Sixth Day – an organization of educators responsible for the educational programs of the Republic. Besides, the Order of the Sixth Day is viewed as one of the main lobbyists for the industrial application of the steam engines, albeit recently there is a growing number of suggestions to create a separate order from the industrial wing of the brotherhood.
  • The Cavalier Order of the Port of Albornport – a brotherhood responsible for the security and development of the Baskarian capital. Fires, city unrest, infrastructure problems – all these are the things which the gentlemen of this organization are dealing with on the daily basis. And until they run out of tobacco, Albornport will prosper.


For many centuries Baskar’s economy was based on sea trade and fishing; today, the use of steam technology and distant colonies are the key to the wealth of the Republic. Thousands of migrants come to the Smoky Archipelago to work in the many factories, coal mines and whaling ships. Most foreigners come to Baskaria because of the myth of “gentlemen’s manufactories” – manufacturing companies where payment and work culture are so high that workers can afford to wear expensive tailcoats during work. Such factories do exist, but they are increasingly replaced by the traditional Old World-like enterprises, where workers lose their human appearance after a few years of work. The situation in colonies is not much better: the Baskarian territories in the Borian archipelago, in Salmandia and Graaldo are known for their strict subordination to the metropoly. Each region is controlled by a separate Trading Company, which must fulfill specific supply quotas – from exotic goods to military recruits.

However, all these achievements of the New Time pale in comparison to the real king of all Baskarians – Denerian tobacco. For generations, Baskarians have suffered  from “cough” diseases caused by the unbearable weather of their homeland. A “medicine” from Deneria, which had to be smoked via special pipes, once was brought to the archipelago. Over time, tobacco started dominating everywhere – ships with the clogged holds could not cope with demand, buyers  awaited the arrival of the ships right at the port piers; swindlers sold simple dried leaves en masse and often became victims of lynching. The House of  Weighs made the only possible decision: in 1715, the Tobacco Trading Company was founded. Its task was to provide Baskarians with a sufficient amount of tobacco; the Tobacco Company also received a fantastic privilege – an exclusive monopoly on trading tobacco leaves.

The Tobacco Company’s first step was to buy land on the Deneria Island, using corruption and the patronage of individual matrons. Local farmers were forced to sow their fields with tobacco. Years later it led to a wave of famine throughout the Deneri Empire. In 1732, the Golden Dynasty, the rulers of Deneria, announced a ban on growing tobacco and the death penalty for selling it to foreigners, which caused the start of the Tobacco War, which lasted 6 years until 1738. The Golden Dynasty was unable to rally its army, and therefore was defeated. Denerians were forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty that guaranteed Baskarians their tobacco and forbade idolaters from selling tobacco to anyone else. During this time, smoking spread from Baskaria to the entire Old World, and Denerian tobacco grown in Salmandia became the exclusive Baskarian product.

Consequently, the Tobacco Company flourished for decades, regularly engaging in wars against those who dared to encroach on its monopoly trade. However, the collapse of the Spogled Protectorate in 1799 became a real challenge for the company, which turned into a bureaucratic monster. The Viceroyalty of South Spogled, a vassal of the Protectorate in Salmandia and an informal ally of the Tobacco Company, fractured into a dozen independent republics and grandstates that resulted in a series of new colonial wars. The terrible truth has been revealed: at the Dawn of the New Time, none of the colonial players is interested in preserving the Baskarian monopoly, and the Denerian Empire, which was preparing for this moment for a generation, also understands this. The Second Tobacco War is inevitable!


 The Baskarian Republic is famous for impressive places that the curious traveler should visit. Here are some of them:

  •  Albornport – the capital of Baskaria and a sprawling port city. Albornport gave the name of the “Smoky Islands” to the Baskar archipelago, because the city is shrouded in constant smog, sometimes of natural and sometimes of industrial origin. The harbor, where the port is located, is protected by the monumental breakwaters and is decorated with bright red lighthouses. Life here is always in full swing, although Baskarians are making insane efforts to regulate and bureaucratize all visitors to their city as well as all their honest or not very honest deeds. It is often said that in Albornport even crime requires a separate license.
  • Belmoor – the seat of the Codexists’ archimentor of Baskaria, a miniature town with a truly exquisite architecture. Considered the capital of the Baskarian Cavaliers, Belmoor regularly hosts social events for the Republic’s elites. However, in recent years, the surrounding area has been rapidly swamping, and buildings are flooding, which is why there is a growing number of calls to leave Belmoor with its unfortunate location.
  •  Murdwell is a gloomy industrial center surrounded by coal quarries and mines. Murdwell coal and weapons are known across the Disk; to Baskarians, Murdwell is best known for its anarchist movements spreading across the surrounding islands.
  •  Hushport – the central military base of the Baskar fleet, located on the island of Toughwind. Hashport started a secret project of Jerry’s Quart, under which from 1710 to 1740 a navy of unprecedented size had to be secretly built. However, political disagreements and budget deficits resulted in endless delays and the final declassification of the port in the end of the century. The construction of impressive battleships is still going on in Hushport, but now many foreign workers and engineers are involved in the work.
  •  Saxcastle is a large independent city on the island of St. Arthur, which received its privileged status in 1633 for the military achievements of volunteer companies formed from the local residents. The inhabitants of Saxcastle took advantage of their independence from Baskar by appointing themselves a monarch with absolute powers. Saxcastle is inhabited by Baskarians who are dismissive of the rest of their compatriots.
  •  Daredevil archipelago – the most remote islands to the west settled by the humans. Usually the routes of desperate expeditions trying to get to the other side of the Earth’s Disc pass through these islands. These expeditions make their last stop in the small port named Eastend on the Mandeville Island and then disappear beyond the horizon. The Daredevil Archipelago has a dubious reputation due to the presence of pirates, ancient ruins of unknown origin, and other oddities lying on the fringes of civilization.


The desire for personal recognition is a common feature of Baskarians as well as the majority of other inhabitants of the Old World. The following names are particularly well-known in the Republic and beyond its borders:

  •  Sir Angel Potter is a distinguished knight who acts as Gerry of the House of  Cavalry. The former magister of the Cavalier Order of the Port of Albornport, Sir Angel Potter has become known by exposing corrupt politicians and crime bosses. Sir Potter is the holder of the honorary membership in the majority of the prestigious Chevalier orders of Baskaria and he skillfully uses his influence to consolidate the national chivalry. At the same time, age works against this remarkable gentleman: despite being a sane man for the most of his life, at the age of 60, Sir Angel unexpectedly discovered the spirit of adventurism in himself and started to miss important parliamentary ceremonies to participate in little-known tournaments and unpredictable travels. Those few people from his entourage, who favorably perceive this change in his character, note that Sir Angel seems to find a way to restore youth – both figuratively and literally. 
  • Jamie Locked is a Baskarian oligarch and a successful Murdwell industrialist. Jamie Locked was one of the first businessmen who started a large-scale transfer of Murdwell coal to the continent, which led to several crises caused by the coal shortage in his homeland. He is called the father of the Old World’s steam industry, despite the fact that his speculation on the international coal trade and protracted wars with competitors negatively affected the entire industry. Today, Jamie Locke is trying to make a name by sponsoring colonial expeditions to the New World, most of which put the settlers in extreme danger. He is also known for a steam automatic carriage in which he travels through the city streets and, if necessary, transports it  by a separate vessel to new destination.
  •  Lady Constance Spargo – the Senior Secretary of the Tobacco Company and informal patroness of several women’s orders in the service of the Republic. Lady Spargo has no direct authority in ruling of the Tobacco Company, but through skillful maneuvering between private shareholders and parliamentary overseers, she has become the unofficial face of the organization. Constance’s dedication to her work is impressive, but her Confederate origins cause constant public attacks against her, from which even the endless smoking of Baskarian cigars does not protect her. People say that Lady Spargo has never been to Deneria, which is so successfully exploited by her company… But why is her name so well known to local matrons then?
  •  Lynch Lovesong is a theorist of Baskarian anarchism, who later became a practitioner. This intelligent man, who worked as the head of the university library, wrote the treatise “The End of a Common Cause, the Beginning of a Common World”, in which he discussed the possibility of building a cosmopolitan society not divided by state borders. The treatise did not receive much public attention until Mr. Lovesong took up pistols, starting an anarchist armed movement in Murdwell. He was forced to leave his homeland, and occasionally appeared in Folderein or in the Frontier. Everyone is waiting for his return to Baskaria: some want to see him leading the international brigade of free fighters, others would prefer him in shackles or in a coffin.
  •  Edward Greypaper is the pseudonym of the famous Baskarian writer, under which the usual housewife Alice Brickstone is hiding. Mr. Greypaper, i.e. Mrs. Alice, is the author of a very popular series of adventure novels about a fictional Commander of the Order of Our Banner named Gerald Smoak. Unrecognized by the masses, Mrs. Brickstone has recently dared to leave her home in search of ideas for new books, while waging an inconclusive war against an army of imitators and plagiarists. 

Over its thousand-year history, the Old Republic has gifted to the world many talented individuals, most of whom have already become forgotten shadows. But Disc remembers some of them until now:

  • Bertram Chasington – the famous sea captain of the late 16th century. Captain Chasington  owned and commanded the merchant brig “Hardworking Profits”, but went bankrupt during the Grand Orlo Licensing War. It motivated him to assemble a small fleet of Baskarian daredevils in order to break the blockade of the Maris Strait, a vital sea corridor for Baskaria, which was closed by Orlovites. Surprisingly, the operation was successful, and Bertram Chasington even managed to repeat it three more times. Economically, this victory did not mean a lot, but the bravery of the Baskar captains inspired their colleagues from the navy and revived the spirits in the course of the protracted war. Captain Bertram Chasington died of lung disease in wealth and was recognized as a national hero.
  • Richard Norwood – the 16th century adventurer and explorer of Deneria. By hook or by crook, he gained access to the secret knowledge of the Denerian matrons, and popularized it in the Old World. His translations led to a number of breakthroughs in the science of living organisms. Richard mysteriously disappeared shortly after the first publications. One can only guess what other knowledge he could share.
  • Sir Sol Kings – the first magister of the Order of All Saints, who lived in the 15th century. Almost no official information about his personality has been preserved, however, there are numerous legends and retellings of the alleged memoirs of Sol Kings called “Three to Six Questions without Answers”, which speak of his unfinished dubious investigations, some of which are allegedly relevant even today.
  • Dexter Charming – Baskarian statesman of the 13th century. Today he is known as a reformer and leader of the nation, but some groups have access to information that sheds light on his story as a usurper who planned to put an end to the Republic. For his ambitions, Dexter Charming was buried alive where the Island Parliament building stands today. All the more strange is the rumor that in every century there is a member of the Inner House with the initials “D.C.”.
  • Lady Lavinia of Fochleitz – a historical figure from the 9th century. She called herself “the last priestess of the native, but forgotten gods of the stormy archipelago.” Despite her reputation as a witch, she had a significant impact on society. She is a popular image in the heraldry of modern Baskar chivalry. Neo-Messianic chapels dedicated to Lady Lavinia can be found in the most remote corners of Baskaria, although the woman is not considered a Messianic righteous or a saint.


“A conversation between two Baskarians can be only about two topics: the weather and a new intrigue” – the Confederate proverb.

Nothing common for the Old World is foreign to Baskarians, and secret communities are not an exception from this rule. The Smoky Islands are full of secret societies which actively influence local and international politics. The most famous of these cliques are:

  • Anti-Cavaliers – a conspiracy group that questions the devotion of official Cavalier orders to the Baskarian people. Members of this shadow empire believe that the Baskarian chivalry and the Inner House  are overly influenced by unknown outside forces and pursue their own interests and not the ones of the Republic. The Anti-Cavaliers are concerned with the same issues of internal security as their opponents, but they do it undergroundly and they do not miss the opportunity to publicly expose the inner workings of the Baskarian chivalry.
  • The Chance Family is an international clique of shady businessmen, originally from Baskaria. Murder, diablica and human trafficking are typical areas of Chance’s activity, but at the same time, the family continues to maintain relative publicity and secularism. Chances can be found in Grand Orlo, the Confederacy, the New World colonies, and anywhere else if you dig deep enough into the local underworld. According to rumors, there is an ancient tradition: only a dead Chance can refuse a place in the Shadow Theater.
  • House Jarvis is a shadow anarchist gentlemen’s society that oversees the secret leagues and empires of the Old World. By proclaiming neutrality and a policy of non-intervention, this community is balancing on the verge of being recognized as a full-fledged terrorist organization. House Jarvis is a member of the Wrathful Dozen that opposes the spread of the shadowy influence of Victorius Fortunus.